Google and Apple’s app stores are cash machines | 谷歌和苹果的应用商店是提款机 - FT中文网

Google and Apple’s app stores are cash machines

This week’s antitrust victory for Epic Games may disrupt two lucrative digital outlets
本周Epic Games的反垄断胜利可能会扰乱两家利润丰厚的数字渠道。
If you are in a delicate position in antitrust law, placing the fee burden so heavily on developers of virtual worlds such as ‘Fortnite’ is perilous
A California jury did not have much time for Google this week. After a four-week trial, it took less than four hours to decide that the company had broken antitrust laws to make billions from its Google Play app store. “I just think they need a refresher on integrity a little bit there,” one juror later reflected.
本周,加利福尼亚州的一个陪审团没有给谷歌留太多时间。经过四周的庭审,陪审团只用了不到四个小时就裁定谷歌违反了反垄断法,从Google Play应用商店中获利数十亿美元。一位陪审员后来表示:“我只是觉得他们需要重新温习一下诚信问题。”
The verdict in the federal trial is a nasty setback for what have become moneymaking machines. When Apple launched the first app store for the iPhone 15 years ago, it created a new kind of retail outlet for software, not only virtual but much more profitable than a supermarket. Courts and antitrust regulators are discovering how rewarding that innovation is.
The man who keeps telling them is Tim Sweeney, chief executive of Epic Games, the developer behind the game Fortnite. Epic lost a similar case against Apple in 2021, when a judge largely ruled for Apple, despite accepting that it makes “extraordinarily high” profits from its app store. Epic’s victory this week vindicates Sweeney’s persistence.
不断告诉他们这些的人是Epic Games的首席执行官蒂姆•斯威尼(Tim Sweeney),该公司开发了《堡垒之夜》游戏。Epic在2021年输掉了一起针对苹果的类似案件,当时一名法官基本上裁定苹果胜诉,尽管他承认苹果从其应用商店中获得了“极高”的利润。Epic本周的胜利证明了斯威尼的坚持是正确的。
The fact that iPhone users must download apps solely from Apple’s store, while 90 per cent of apps on Android phones are downloaded through Google Play, has given both companies great power. That is now in question, although Google is appealing: “The verdict knocks a big hole in the wall of the walled garden,” says Mark Lemley, a law professor at Stanford University.
iPhone用户必须从苹果商店下载应用程序,而90%的安卓手机应用程序是通过谷歌应用商店下载的,这给这两家公司带来了巨大的权力。尽管谷歌正在上诉,但现在这一情况受到了质疑:“这个判决在封闭花园的墙上打了一个大洞,”斯坦福大学(Stanford University)法学教授马克•莱姆利(Mark Lemley)说。
Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive of Meta (which has its own virtual reality headset app store) once mused that Twitter’s founders “drove a clown car into a gold mine and fell in”. Steve Jobs drove a Mercedes-Benz but there was an equally accidental quality to how Apple came up with its original pricing policy of charging developers a 30 per cent fee to sell apps in its store.
Meta(拥有自己的虚拟现实头显应用商店)首席执行官马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)曾经说过,Twitter的创始人们“开着小丑车进入了金矿并掉了进去”。史蒂夫•乔布斯(Steve Jobs)开的是梅赛德斯-奔驰(Mercedes-Benz),但苹果公司(Apple)最初的定价政策,即向在其商店销售应用程序的开发者收取 30% 的费用,同样具有偶然性。
The idea of a software app was then novel, since the iPhone had only been launched the previous year, and it did not appear outrageous for Apple to levy a charge similar to sales margins in physical stores. Walmart, for example, has made a 24 per cent gross profit this year on the products it sells in its supermarkets, despite being known for offering “everyday low prices”.
Apple’s lead was followed by Android Market, which later became Google Play. Apple hails its store for making it easier and cheaper for developers to sell software and it has no limits on shelf space in the way supermarkets do. Developers can put their free apps on display at no cost (they pay Apple a $99 annual fee) and are charged only for selling the paid ones.
So far, so reasonable. But there is a big difference between app stores and physical supermarkets: the latter must build and run stores and distribution hubs, employ checkout staff and shelf stackers, advertise widely and so on. After all these costs are accounted for, their margins often descend to single digits: Walmart’s operating margin this year is about 4 per cent.
It is easier for app stores. They cost much less to operate and those with the market power that Apple and Google possess keep on generating more cash as more apps appear. There are 1.8mn apps in Apple’s store and, although more than 80 per cent of those are free, the judge in the 2021 case agreed with an estimate that its operating margin exceeds 70 per cent.
Apart from being many times more profitable than Walmart, app stores have another advantage. It is easy for shoppers to switch supermarkets if one charges more than another, but it is awkward to move from an iPhone to an Android one if an app is too expensive. Google Play faces some app store competition on Android, but Apple stands alone with iOS.
So be it, the Apple case judge ruled: its app store is very successful but “success is not illegal”. Google was less fortunate this week. The jury was unimpressed by its having offered some developers financial incentives to stick with Google Play, rather than defect to other app stores. It made itself legally vulnerable by trying to curb competition and maintain its grip (as well as by automatically deleting some internal messages).
苹果案的法官裁定:苹果的应用程序商店非常成功,但“成功并不违法”。谷歌本周就没那么幸运了。陪审团对谷歌向一些开发者提供经济奖励,鼓励他们坚持使用Google Play而不是转投其他应用商店的做法不以为然。谷歌试图遏制竞争,维持自己的控制权(以及自动删除一些内部信息),这使自己在法律上容易受到攻击。
One of Google’s difficulties was having to make its case to a jury, rather than solely to a judge: however elegant one’s legal arguments, making so much money is never a good look. Google and Apple have acknowledged that tacitly by cutting fees for small developers. The original 30 per cent has been eroded: nearly all developers of Google Play apps pay 15 per cent or less.
谷歌面临的困难之一是必须向陪审团而非仅向法官陈述自己的观点:无论法律论据多么优雅,赚这么多钱对自己的形象总不是什么好事。谷歌和苹果通过削减小型开发者的费用默认了这一点。原来30%的收费已经被侵蚀:几乎所有Google Play应用开发者的收费都在15%或更低。
Google also had a feisty opponent in Sweeney, which was its own doing. Games apps account for more than 70 per cent of app store revenues, much of that coming through in-app payments for virtual goods and add-ons. If you are in a delicate position in antitrust law, placing the fee burden so heavily on developers of virtual worlds such as Fortnite is perilous.
The ultimate issue is financial: Apple could not have known that its invention would work so well, but it and Google have come to operate two of the most profitable stores in history. No matter how they found the gold mine, they run it now.











